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Genicity: Solving T cell exhaustion through modality combination
Genicity aims to overcome the problem of T cell exhaustion with an allogenic...
Innovation awards finalist: Genicity greatly expands potential therapeutic options for treating cancer
Immunotherapy is a relatively new cancer treatment and while it is transformative,...
Genicity family is growing
Genicity family is growing, and we are pleased to welcome Rainer Henning as...
Introducing the first South East BIC hashtag#startup participating in hashtag#Prep4Seed: Genicity, founded...
It's make it or break it time
"It's make it or break it time."Well prepared after 8 weeks of...
It's the moment of truth!
✨ It's the moment of truth! After 8 weeks of intense training, coaching,...
#BioTechBootcamp - Done Merck Prize - DoneIt was eight weeks of intensive training, coaching,...
Irish Times Life Sciences and Healthcare award
It is with great pleasure that we announce that Genicity has won...
We are pleased to announce that we have been selected as one...